Past Sultana Newsletters
From the summer of 1990 until 2011, one of the original members of the Sultana Association of Descendants and Friends, Pam Newsome, faithfully wrote, printed up and mailed to the Association members the Sultana Newsletter, which contained articles written by other members such as Jerry Potter and Gene Salecker and updates and summaries of the upcoming and past Sultana meetings. You will find here copies of the Sultana Newsletters in a searchable PDF format. The first file below is an index of the issues published from the first in summer 1990 until the fall/winter 1998-1999 issue. An index of the other newsletters will be published on our site soon. In 2011, the printed version of the newsletter was retired, and Pam began publishing the newsletter online on the first website that the Sultana Association had. It is no longer active and the past issues of the online newsletters no longer available.
Have you got any past issues of the newsletter, either the printed version or the online version, that are not included in the list below? If so, please email the Sultana Association of Descendants and Friends to let us know. You can send us a high-quality PDF of the newsletter and we will publish it here on the website for everyone to read and enjoy.
Sultana Newsletters Fall 1990 - Spring 2011
Summer 1994
We are missing the following newsletters and would love to add them to our collection and post them here. Let us know if you've got a copy!
Issue #1 - Summer 1990 - First Issue
Issue #3 - Winter 1991 - The Sultana and Civil War Era Steamboats
Issue #4 - Spring 1991 - Captive Boys in Blue
Issue #5 - Summer 1991 - That Devil Forrest
Issue #7 - Winter 1992 - Post-Civil War Reunions
Issue #9 - Summer 1992 - My Father was on the Sultana
Issue #10- Fall 1992 - Ain’t That Glorious
Issue #13 - Summer 1993 - Kentucky Soldiers
Issue #14 - Fall 1993 - The Sultana Explosion
Issue #15 - Winter 1994 - An Elusive Bunch: West Virginians and the Sultana Disaster
Issue #16 - Spring 1994 - Civil War Battleflags
Issue #19 - Winter 1994 - Take Us Home
Issue #21 - Summer 1994 - Camp Fisk
Issue #22 - Fall 1995 - Tenting Tonight
Issue #23 - Winter 1996 - Submerged in Rumor
Issue #24 - Spring 1996 - Rescued at Fort Pickering
Issue #25 - Summer 1996 - To the Rescue